We are pleased to announce that Brisbane psychedelics Dreamtime have chosen The Time Machine for their vinyl launch for their newest album 'Sun'. They'll be playing two shows before jetsetting off to America for Austin Psych Fest where they will be playing alongside Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Deerhunter, Os Mutantes, The Warlocks and buttloads more. We're extremely happy for Zac, Tara and Cat for being included in this amazing festival.
We've known the friendly consciousness-expanding trio for a little while
now through friends of friends and art markets/various shows/parties
(They also played at the Time Machine's launch last July). We are now
proud to announce the:
Friday 5th April with
Multiple Man (https://soundcloud.com/multipleman )
The Otchkies https://soundcloud.com/the-otchkies )
And one-man electronic genius Teva.
Come on a cosmic trip with the DreamtimeMachine.
Read a bunch of reviews for 'Sun' here: